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Image by Nahil Naseer


Expand your Mind
If you're looking to increase your self awareness, I would 
recommend these book. They're some of the most expansive and life changing books I've ever read. If you read any of them, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

Scarlet Gonzalez - Brown - expression - words

Atlas of the Heart

Brene Brown

Scarlet Gonzalez - Mind-Gut Connection - Mindful Sessions - Indvidual Therapy

The Mind-Gut Connection

Emeran Mayer, M.D.

Scarlet Gonzalez - Untethered Soul - healing - trauma

The Untethered Soul

Michaela A. Singer

Scarlet Gonzalez - expand mind - new perspectives

The Biology of Belief

 Bruce H. Lipton, Ph. D.

Scarlet Gonzalez - The Gift of Fear - Mindful Sessions - individual therapy - fear - gut feeling - intuition - instinct

The Gift of Fear

Gavin DeBecker

Let's be honest, relationships are hard. There are a few of the books that really got me through some of my toughest situations. They've also kept things exciting. I can say from clients, and myself that these books are game changers in the realm of romantic relationships.

Scarlet Gonzalez - conscious loving - healing - relationships

Conscious Loving

Gay Hendricks, PhD. and Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD.

Attached-Minful Sessions - Couples Therapy


Amier Levine, M.D., Rachel S. F. Heller, M.A.

Scarlet Gonzalez - Mating - cohabitation - healing - relationships

Mating in Captivity

Esther Perel, M.A.

Scarlet Gonzalez - EFT - emotion focused therapy - healing - trauma - relational trauma

Hold Me Tight

 Dr. Sue Johnson 

Scarlet Gonzalez - EFT - emotion focused therapy - healing - trauma - dating

Eight Dates

John Gotten, 



Some of the most important books I've read are the one's you see below. These books not only masterfully explain the impacts of trauma, they also offer suggestions on how to integrate the trauma.

Scarlet Gonzalez - parts work - IFS - internal family systems - therapy - healing - trauma - parts - relationships

You are the One 

Richard C. Shwartz

Scarlet Gonzalez - Trauma - healing - EMDR - Somatic Experiencing - trauma treatment

The Body Keeps the Score

Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.

Scarlet Gonzalez - parts work - IFS - internal family systems - therapy - healing - trauma - parts

No Bad Parts

Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D..

Scarlet Gonzalez - EMDR - eye movement desensitization reprocessing - trauma treatment - effective - healing

Getting Past Your Past

Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.

Scarlet Gonzalez - CPTSD - complex trauma - inner critic - healing - trauma

Complex PTSD

Pete Walker

Healing from emotionally immature parents

Growing up with emotionally immature parents can be devastating, and incredibly confusing. Reading these books will help you garner language to express the most indescribable moments of your life. 

Scarlet Gonzalez - Toxic parents - healing - for children of emotionally immature parents

Toxic Parents

Dr. Susan Forward

Scarlet Gonzalez - narcissism - narcissistic parents - Toxic parents - healing - for children of emotionally immature parents

Narcissistic Mothers

Caroline Foster

Scarlet Gonzalez - Toxic parents - healing - for children of emotionally immature parents

It Didn't Start

with You

Mark Wolynn

Scarlet Gonzalez - Parental trauma - mother wound - mom - mother - daughter - kids

Mother's Who Can't Love

Dr. Susan Forward

Scarlet Gonzalez - Toxic parents - healing - for children of emotionally immature parents

Emotionally Immature Parents

Lindsey C. Gibson PsyD.\

Disordered Eating

Disordered eating plagues some for a season in their life. For others, it could be a lifetime of management. The books below offer a range of perspectives for healing an unhealthy relationship with food.

Scarlet Gonzalez - breaking free emotional eating - eating disorder

Breaking Free from Emotional Eating

Geneen Roth

Feeling Good About the Way You Look - Eating Disorder - Recovery - Mindful Sessions - Indv

Feeling Good About the Way You Look

Sabine Wilhelm, PhD

The Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous - OA - OA literature - Eating Disorder - 12 Step

The Twelve Steps of OA

Overeaters Anonymous

Scarlet Gonzalez - Intuitive Eating - Eating Disorder - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy

Intuitive Eating

Evolyne Triole, M.S.

Elyse Resch, M.S.

A Hunger So Wide and So Deep - Eating disorders - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy .j

A Hunger So Wide and So Deep

Becky W. Thompson


Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with ADHD? Do you think you or someone you know might have ADHD? The books below may help you or others understand the struggles and symptoms common to ADHD. These books also offer helpful tools to navigate life with ADHD.

Scarlet Gonzalez - ADHD 2.0 - ADHD - Mindful Sessions - Indvidual Therapy

ADHD 2.0

Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.

John J Ratey, M.D.

Delivered from Distraction - Scarlet Gonzalez - ADHD - Mindful Sessions - Indvidual Therap

The Conscious Parent

Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Divergent Mind - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy


Stuart Brown, M.D.

Women with ADHD - Scarlet Gonzalez - ADHD - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy

Women with ADHD

Sari Solden, M.S.

Michelle Frank, Psy. D.

Scattered - Scarlet Gonzalez - ADHD - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy


Gabor Mate, M.D.


Parenting is a job that requires an understanding of how to care for children and how to care for themselves. The books below encourage self-reflection and openness among parents as they reflect on their roles as parents. 

The Awakened Family - Shelafi Tsabary - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindfulness - Mindful Sessions

The Awakened Family

Dr. Shefali Tsabary

The Conscious Parent - Shelafi Tsabary - Scarlet Gonzalez - Parenting - Couples Therapy -

The Conscious Parent

Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Play - Scarlet Gonzalez - Parenting - Couples Therapy - Mindful Sessions


Stuart Brown, M.D.

Parenting from the Inside Out - Dan Siegel - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindful Sessions - Couples

Parenting from the Inside Out

Daniel Siegel, MD

Mary Jartzell, MD

The Whole-Brain Child - Dan Siegel - Scarlet Gonzalez - Parenting - Couples Therapy - Mind

The Whole-Brain Child

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

I found a deeper meaning to Mindfulness and self awareness through reading. One of the major ways I have been transformed and encouraged to connect with myself on a deep level has been through reading these and many other books. 

When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindfulness - Buddhism - Mindfu

When Things Fall Apart

Pema Chodron

The Four Agreements - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindfulness - Mindful Sessions - Individual Thera

The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindful Sessions - Spirituality - Indivi

The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

The Places that Scare You - Pema Chodron - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindfulness - Buddhism - Min

The Places that Scare You

Pema Chodron

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle - Scarlet Gonzalez - Mindfulness - Mindful Sessions - Ind

The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle

Divine Feminine

Spirituality is sacred and personal. As women, we have been taught  what being a women is without being shown how to find that answer for ourselves. Below are books to aide in connecting with your feminine energy, wisdom, and inner power.

Scarlet Gonzalez - red - Red tent - menstruation - women - stories - female empowerment

The Red Tent

Anita Diamant

Women Who Run With the Wolves - Spirtuality - Feminism - Mindfulness - Mindful Sessions -

Women who Run with the Wolves

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph. D. 

Sacred Woman - Scarlet Gonzalez - Spirituality - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy.jpe

Sacred Woman

Queen Aqua

Scarlet Gonzalez - lotus - Eastern Body Western Mind -Mindfulness - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy

Eastern Body

Western Mind

Anodea Judith

Awakening Shakti - Mindfulness - Hindu Goddess - Mindful Sessions - Individual Therapy.jpe

Awakening Shakti

Sally Kempton

Mindful Sessions 

100 N Howard St, Ste. 4979
Spokane, WA 99201

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