Expand your Mind
If you're looking to increase your self awareness, I would recommend these book. They're some of the most expansive and life changing books I've ever read. If you read any of them, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Let's be honest, relationships are hard. There are a few of the books that really got me through some of my toughest situations. They've also kept things exciting. I can say from clients, and myself that these books are game changers in the realm of romantic relationships.
Some of the most important books I've read are the one's you see below. These books not only masterfully explain the impacts of trauma, they also offer suggestions on how to integrate the trauma.
Healing from emotionally immature parents
Growing up with emotionally immature parents can be devastating, and incredibly confusing. Reading these books will help you garner language to express the most indescribable moments of your life.
Disordered Eating
Disordered eating plagues some for a season in their life. For others, it could be a lifetime of management. The books below offer a range of perspectives for healing an unhealthy relationship with food.
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with ADHD? Do you think you or someone you know might have ADHD? The books below may help you or others understand the struggles and symptoms common to ADHD. These books also offer helpful tools to navigate life with ADHD.
Parenting is a job that requires an understanding of how to care for children and how to care for themselves. The books below encourage self-reflection and openness among parents as they reflect on their roles as parents.
I found a deeper meaning to Mindfulness and self awareness through reading. One of the major ways I have been transformed and encouraged to connect with myself on a deep level has been through reading these and many other books.
Divine Feminine
Spirituality is sacred and personal. As women, we have been taught what being a women is without being shown how to find that answer for ourselves. Below are books to aide in connecting with your feminine energy, wisdom, and inner power.